

Greatness. It’s just something we made made up.Somehow we’ve come to believe that greatness is a gift, reserved for a chosen few – for prodigies, for superstars – and the rest of us can only stand by watching. You can forget that. Greatness is not some rare DNA strand. it’s not somem precious thing. Greatness is no more unique to us than breathing. We’re all capable of iti, all of us.


greatness [ˈɡreɪtnəs] n. 伟大; 巨大

somehow [ˈsʌmhaʊ] adv. 以某种方法; 莫名其妙地;

few [fjuː] adj. 很少的; 几乎没有的; pron. 很少

gift [ɡɪft] n. 礼物; 天赋

reserve [rɪˈzɜːv] vt. 保留; 预留

prodigy [ˈprɒdədʒi]n. 奇才

rare [reə(r)] adj. 稀有的; 稀薄的;

strand [strænd] n. 线; 串; 缕

precious [ˈpreʃəs] adj. 宝贵的; 珍贵的

unique [juˈniːk] adj. 唯一的; 独一无二的

breathing [ˈbriːðɪŋ] n. 呼吸

capable [ˈkeɪpəbl] adj. 能干的, 能胜任的


make up // 编造

come to do sth. // 过来做某事 渐渐做某事

be reserved for sb. // 为某人预留

be no more … than … // 不比 … 更…

be capable of sth./doing sth. // 有能力做某事

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