Kudu 本地安装部署指北


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使用 CentOS 7 进行说明,详细信息见官方文档中的安装指南


0x10 Kudu 原理


Kudu是一个类似Hbase的列式存储分布式数据库,它的定位介于 HDFS 和 HBase 之间。

  • HDFS:使用列式存储,适合 OLAP,不支持单条纪录级别的更新操作,随机读写性能差,不适合用来作实时查询。
  • HBase:可以高效地随机读写,适用 OLTP,但是不适用于 SQL,且大数据量时读性能较差。

Kudu 就是结合了两者的优点,平衡了两者的缺点。从而同时在 OLTP 和 OLAP 中都提供较好的性能。这样就无需为了解决以上两者的缺点而搭建两种架构。

0x12 基本概念

  • Table:是一张表,具有全局的主键,一张 table 可以分为多个段,即 tablet。
  • Tablet:一个 tablet 是一张表连续的一个段,类似于关系型数据库的 partition 分区。
  • Tablet server:存储 tablet,并且向客户端提供读取数据的服务。对于指定的 tablet,有一个 server 作为 leader,基余 server 作为 follower 副本。只有 leader 处理写请求,follower 负责和 leader 同步数据,并且提供读服务。
  • Master:主要用于管理元数据,监听 tserver(tablet server) 的状态。当 client 发出请求时,其先对请求做校验,再分配 tserver 给 client 进行请求。

0x20 Kudu 安装

0x21 前置条件


  • 至少一个主机来作为 Kudu 的 Master 节点,Master 节点数必须是奇数,推荐配置 1 个或者 3 个。
  • 至少一个主机来作为 tablet 节点,如果需要备份复制,那么至少需要 3 个服务器

    2k 个数量的 Master 节点和 2k-1 个节点的容错等级是一样的。4 个节点和 3 个节点一样,只能容忍一个错误。2 个节点则不能容错。(这也是为什么官方推荐 1 个或 3 个节点的原因)

  • RHEL 7, RHEL 8, CentOS 7, CentOS 8, Ubuntu 18.04 (bionic), Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)
  • macOS 10.13 (High Sierra), macOS 10.14 (Mojave), macOS 10.15 (Catalina)
  • A kernel and filesystem that support hole punching. Hole punching is the use of the fallocate(2) system call with the FALLOC_FL_PUNCH_HOLE option set. See troubleshooting hole punching for more information.
  • ntp or chrony.
  • xfs/ext4 文件系统
  • Although not a strict requirement, it’s highly recommended to use nscd to cache both DNS name resolution and static name resolution. See troubleshooting slow DNS lookups for more information.
  • 硬盘至少 50G 以上的可用空间, 如果想完全编译,至少 120G 以上可用空间。
  • If solid state storage is available, storing Kudu WALs on such high-performance media may significantly improve latency when Kudu is configured for its highest durability levels.
  • C++17 的编译器 (GCC4.8)
  • JDK 8 is required to build Kudu, but a JRE is not required at runtime except for tests.

0x22 CentOS7 中安装

RHEL or CentOS 7.0 or later is required to build Kudu from source. To build on a version older than 8.0, the Red Hat Developer Toolset must be installed (in order to have access to a C++17 capable compiler).

0, System inforation

Last login: Sun Aug 13 11:39:03 2023 from
[chengchao@matrix002 ~]$ uname -a
Linux matrix002 3.10.0-1160.95.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jul 24 13:59:37 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[chengchao@matrix002 ~]$ df -h
Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs                 3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev
tmpfs                    3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs                    3.9G  8.5M  3.9G   1% /run
tmpfs                    3.9G     0  3.9G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/centos-root   50G  6.9G   44G  14% /
/dev/sda1               1014M  207M  808M  21% /boot
/dev/mapper/centos-home  107G  346M  107G   1% /home
tmpfs                    783M     0  783M   0% /run/user/1000
[chengchao@matrix002 ~]$ cat /etc/*rele*
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9 (Source)
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"


CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
[chengchao@matrix002 ~]$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)
Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

1, Install the prerequisite libraries, if they are not installed.

$ sudo yum install autoconf automake cyrus-sasl-devel cyrus-sasl-gssapi \
  cyrus-sasl-plain flex gcc gcc-c++ gdb git java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel \
  krb5-server krb5-workstation libtool make openssl-devel patch \
  pkgconfig redhat-lsb-core rsync unzip vim-common which

2, If building on RHEL or CentOS older than 8.0, install the Red Hat Developer Toolset. Below are the steps required for CentOS. If you are on RHEL, follow their documentation here.

$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl-rh
$ sudo yum install devtoolset-8

3, 可选的编译依赖略过了,需要的可以看官网。

4, Clone the Git repository and change to the new kudu directory.

$ cd  /works
$ mkdir git-repo
$ cd git-repo
$ git clone https://github.com/apache/kudu
Cloning into 'kudu'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 146422, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (20818/20818), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (970/970), done.
remote: Total 146422 (delta 20063), reused 19948 (delta 19819), pack-reused 125604
Receiving objects: 100% (146422/146422), 78.90 MiB | 17.47 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (109364/109364), done.

5, 使用 build-if-necessary.sh 脚本可以构建任何缺失的第三方依赖。需要使用到Python,本文中安装的是 python 3.6。

$ sudo yum -y install python3
$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.8
$ cd kudu
$ pwd
$ ls
build-support   cmake_modules      docker  examples  kubernetes   NOTICE.txt  README.adoc     src         version.txt
CMakeLists.txt  CONTRIBUTING.adoc  docs    java      LICENSE.txt  python      RELEASING.adoc  thirdparty  www
$ build-support/enable_devtoolset.sh thirdparty/build-if-necessary.sh

6, Build Kudu, using the utilities installed in the previous step. Choose a build directory for the intermediate output, which can be anywhere in your filesystem except for the kudu directory itself. Notice that the devtoolset must still be specified, else you’ll get cc1plus: error: unrecognized command line option "-std=c++17".

mkdir -p build/release
cd  build/release
../../build-support/enable_devtoolset.sh \
  ../../thirdparty/installed/common/bin/cmake \
  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release \
  -DNO_TESTS=1 \
make -j4

--DNO_TEST=1 参数的作用是在编译时跳过测试工作的编译,否则编译结果将十分巨大。

安装时可以使用以下参数来跳过指定的组件: - -DKUDU_CLIENT_INSTALL=OFF 跳过 kudu 客户端的安装 - -DKUDU_TSERVER_INSTALL=OFF 跳过 tserver 的安装 - -DKUDU_MASTER_INSTALL=OFF 跳过 master的 安装 假如某个服务器只作为tserver使用,那么可以跳过master的安装以减少磁盘资源占用并加快安装过程。 If you need to install only a subset of Kudu executables, you can set the following cmake flags to OFF in order to skip any of the executables.

  • KUDU_CLIENT_INSTALL (set to OFF to skip installing /usr/local/bin/kudu executable)
  • KUDU_TSERVER_INSTALL (set to OFF to skip installing /usr/local/sbin/kudu-tserver executable)
  • KUDU_MASTER_INSTALL (set to OFF to skip installing /usr/local/sbin/kudu-master executable) E.g., use the following variation of cmake command if you need to install only Kudu client libraries and headers:
    ../../build-support/enable_devtoolset.sh \
    ../../thirdparty/installed/common/bin/cmake \
    -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ../..


6.1 编译报错的调整

编译报错,因此需要手动安装 gradle。 官网 下载, 此时的版本是 gradle-8.2.1-bin.zip

$ mkdir -p /usr/local/jvm
$ unzip gradle-8.2.1-bin.zip
$ sudo mv gradle-8.2.1 /usr/local/jvm 
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/jvm/gradle-8.2.1 /usr/local/jvm/gradle
$ sudo mv g


vim ~/.bashrc

GRADLE_HOME='/usr/local/jvm/gradle'; export GRADLE_HOME

export PATH

source ~/.bashrc 

再次报错, 不能访问 raw.githubusercontent.com

curl: (7) Failed connect to raw.githubusercontent.com:443; Connection refused

修改 /etc/hosts 文件, 添加: raw.githubusercontent.com raw.githubusercontent.com raw.githubusercontent.com raw.githubusercontent.com

7, 完成编译后,构建可执行文件,库文件和头文件。进入上一步编译的输出目录,运行下面的命令进行构建。用 DESTDIR=xxx 指定自己想要输出的位置,如果不指定则默认输出到 /usr/local/ 目录下面。

sudo make DESTDIR=/home/kudu install

Running sudo make install installs the following:

  • kudu-tserver and kudu-master executables in /usr/local/sbin
  • Kudu command line tool in /usr/local/bin
  • Kudu client library in /usr/local/lib64/
  • Kudu client headers in /usr/local/include/kudu

The default installation directory is /usr/local. You can customize it through the DESTDIR environment variable.

sudo make DESTDIR=/opt/kudu install
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "RELEASE"
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/lib64/libkudu_client.so.0.1.0
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/lib64/libkudu_client.so.0
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/lib64/libkudu_client.so
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/callbacks.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/client.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/columnar_scan_batch.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/hash.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/resource_metrics.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/row_result.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/scan_batch.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/scan_predicate.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/schema.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/shared_ptr.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/stubs.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/value.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/client/write_op.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/common/partial_row.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/util/kudu_export.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/util/int128.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/util/monotime.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/util/slice.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/include/kudu/util/status.h
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/doc/kuduClient/examples/CMakeLists.txt
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/doc/kuduClient/examples/example.cc
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/doc/kuduClient/examples/non_unique_primary_key.cc
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/kuduClient/cmake/kuduClientTargets.cmake
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/kuduClient/cmake/kuduClientTargets-release.cmake
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/kuduClient/cmake/kuduClientConfig.cmake
-- Munging kudu client targets in /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/kuduClient/cmake/kuduClientConfig.cmake
-- Munging kudu client targets in /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/kuduClient/cmake/kuduClientTargets-release.cmake
-- Munging kudu client targets in /opt/kudu/usr/local/share/kuduClient/cmake/kuduClientTargets.cmake
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/sbin/kudu-master
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/bin/kudu
-- Installing: /opt/kudu/usr/local/sbin/kudu-tserver

0x30 Kudu 的配置

我们可以通过在命令行启动时传递参数来对 Kudu 进行配置,当参数过多时,也可在启动时使用 –-flagfile=<file> 参数来引用配置文件。更奇妙地是,在配置文件中还可以通过 --flagfile=<file> 来再次引用另一个配置文件,这样配置参数就相当灵活。

Master 和 Tablet 节点的配置可以放在同一个配置文件中,它们会自动识别哪些是属于自己的配置参数。配置参数的格式为 -–flag=xxx ,前缀可以用一个或者二个 - 都 OK。

0x31 配置目录


  • --fs_wal_dir:用来配置 Kudu 的写前日志 WAL(Write-Ahead Log)的输出目录。
  • --fs_metadata_dir:配置 Kudu 每个 tablet 的元数据的存放目录
> 建议这些目录放在一个高性能的、有高带宽的磁盘上,例如SSD。如果–fs_metadata_dir没有指定,那么元数据会放在WAL的输出目录。
  • --fs_data_dirs:指定 Kudu 用于存放数据块的目录。可以通过 , 分隔添加多个目录,Kudu 会把数据平均地存在这些目录中,如果不指定该参数,也是会把数据块放在 WAL 的输出目录中。

    --fs_wal_dir--fs_metadata_dir 可以设置为 --fs_data_dirs 给出的目录列表中的某一个目录,但是不能是任何目录列表中目录的子目录。

每一个目录都只能被一个 Kudu 进程使用,所以多个 Kudu 进程要分别设置属于自己的各种目录。否则启动可能会失败。

以上是一些最基本的设置,更多关于 Master 节点的配置可在官方网站查阅:kudu-Master 配置项 .

0x33 目录规划

### master 元数据目录
mkdir -p /works/kudu_data/master_data
### table 数据目录
mkdir -p /works/kudu_data/tserver_data
### 日志目录
mkdir -p /works/kudu_data/logs_data

### 配置文件
mkdir -p /works/kudu_data/etc
cd  /works/kudu_data/etc
touch master.gflagfile
vim master.gflagfile


touch tserver.gflagfile
vim tserver.gflagfile



$ cd /opt/kudu/usr/local
$ sbin/kudu-master -flagfile /works/kudu_data/etc/master.gflagfile 

E20230814 15:28:40.917841 22109 master_main.cc:42] Service unavailable: RunMasterServer() failed: Cannot initialize clock: Error reading clock. Clock considered unsynchronized
### 还记得要安装 ntpd 服务么? 
$ yum search ntp
$ sudo yum -y install ntp
$ ntpq -p
$ sudo sudo ntpdate -u
### 高版本的 ntpd 需要增加下面的配置到 ntp.confs
$ sudo -i
# vim /etc/ntp.conf
server iburst
fudge stratum 8
# systemctl restart ntpd
# exit
$ sbin/kudu-master --flagfile=/works/kudu_data/etc/master.gflagfile 

UI :

Static pages not available. Configure KUDU_HOME or use the –webserver_doc_root flag to fix page styling.

$ nohup sbin/kudu-master --flagfile=/works/kudu_data/etc/master.gflagfile &
$ nohup sbin/kudu-tserver --flagfile=/works/kudu_data/etc/tserver.gflagfile &

### 0x33 配置文件

# tserver配置


# master 配置

master 和 tserver 的前四个配置是上面提到的基本配置参数。

--webserver_doc_root 是为了能在 8051 端口看到 Kudu 的 Master 节点的一些详细信息(tserver 节点的默认端口是 8050)。需要指定静态文件的路径,否则在访问 8051 会报错:

Static pages not available. Configure KUDU_HOME or use the --webserver_doc_root flag to fix page styling.

由报错信息可知,也可以通过设置 KUDU_HOME 环境变量来解决,但是笔者在实践时这一方法失效了,所以采取了第 2 种方法。同时这个 WebUI 的访问端口也可以通过 –-webserver_port 参数来修改。

tserver 节点需要额外配置一个 --tserver_master_addrs 参数,指定一串 master 节点地址的数组。用于将 tserver 连接到 mastser 节点。

-–trusted_subnets 参数设置在 master 上,为了让 master 节点能够接受 tserver 节点的连接请求,这里设为 接受所有的 IP。当然也可以只单独添加其他节点的 IP。

启动后进入master节点的8051端口,点击 Tablet Servers 可以看到节点已经连上

0x04 参考